Here’s How To Churn Out Incredible, Highly Lucrative Novellas Fast!
Novellas That Will Have Your Readers
Begging For More! 


Hello Empowered Storytellers and Future Novella Creators,

Navigating the world of novella creation can be a complex and challenging journey. I'm David Steel, and I'm here to help you tackle those challenges head-on, transforming them into opportunities. Together, we can make the process of crafting enthralling novellas an efficient and enjoyable experience.

Intrigued? Join me as I illuminate the path forward...

Let's Clarify: What Is A Novella?

A novella is a unique form of narrative, gracefully balanced between a short story and a novel, encompassing 12,000 to 40,000 words.

Although compact, crafting a novella demands dedication, persistence, and a keen eye for detail, just like any other literary form.

• Overcoming Creative Hurdles

Finishing a novella can spark an empowering sense of accomplishment, reigniting your creative fire, and keeping writer's block at bay.

The resulting satisfaction can catalyze an inspiring cycle of creation, mitigating the frustrations of stalled productivity.

• The Unsung Hero of Literature

Novellas, offering the depth of a novel and the pace of a short story, may be literature's lesser-known treasure.

They have the capacity to connect with readers in a unique, resonant way, dispelling the uncertainty around their market appeal.

• Embracing the Self-Publishing Revolution

With the rise of platforms like Amazon Kindle, the daunting barriers of traditional publishing have been dismantled.

Self-publishing is no longer a desperate last resort—it's a liberating pathway to your literary success, relieving the anxieties tied to traditional gatekeepers.

• The Surge of E-Readers

In the age of e-readers, the demand for compelling, concise reads is growing exponentially. The digital world is teeming with readers eager for your next captivating novella, offering a solution to worries about reaching your desired audience.

The pivotal question remains: how can you master the craft of creating these impactful novellas, while addressing common authorial challenges?

You could consider costly writing retreats or personal coaches, but isn't there a more accessible and understanding approach?

I present to you a tailored, intuitive resource—an ally in your journey to create engaging novellas swiftly and efficiently. Prepare to navigate the terrain of novella writing, overcoming common obstacles with an approach designed to maximize your creative potential and minimize stress. Your path to creating riveting novellas awaits!

And these are only a few reasons as there are many more as well. But maybe the real question is, “How can I write these awesome novellas in no time?”

Well you could hire a writing coach for tens of thousands of dollars or plunk down your arm and first born for access to some rinky-dink writing retreat.

Or you can let me show you in an easy to follow as well as affordable resource that I’ve put together that let’s anyone create novellas with lightning speed.


“How To Write A Novella”

The Ultimate Guide To Writing A Novella That Your Readers Will Fall In Love With!

Don’t Even Think of Creating Your Next Novella Without This Resource!

Now I have to tell you a secret. I publish tons of books all the time, but I don’t have time to try and write a major novel once a year.

So how do I do it? 

I publish these short-ish stories. And I’ve laid out my entire process that ANYONE can use.

Everything You Need To Write A Novella Is 

Done For You And All Ready To Go! 

When you grab this incredible resource, you’ll see for yourself what you’ve always been missing.

Finally, you’ll be able to put the missing pieces together for creating your very own highly sought out novellas.

Things like:

• This one overlooked resource that allows you to easily plan and organize your ideas and thoughts for your novellas. (page 6)

• The guidelines that every novella must have in order to be successful. (page 17)

• The sample mindmap that will give you that ‘a-ha!’ moment for visually seeing the plan for your novella. (page 10)

• The sample novella that you can model to help you craft your own dynamic novella! (page 13)

• And much, much, more!

You could spend months and scour the internet over and over and you still would only find a fraction of what’s included in the ‘How To Write A Novella’ resource.

And even if you did stumble onto a fraction of the information included, you’d still need to know the right steps and sequences to put the information in.

But it’s a good thing I’ve already done it for you.

Here’s what you’ll get in detail. when you sign up today:

The How To Write A Novella PDF Guide

There’s no stone left unturned in this powerful yet easy to follow along guide. With being able to be read in one sitting, you’ll know EXACTLY what you need to do to create a great novella.

Chapter 1: Why You Should Write a Novella

Chapter 2: How to Write a Novella

Chapter 3: Tips for Writing a Good Novella

Chapter 4: Sample Mindmap

Chapter 5: Sample Novella Outline

Chapter 6: Sample Novella Excerpt

Chapter 7: Online Writing Workshops

Chapter 8: Guidelines for Writing your Novella

Chapter 9: Summary

Four Easy To Follow Worksheets

Just like a blind man needs his walking stick, these easy to follow along worksheets will help you navigate the confusing areas of putting your novellas together.

Here’s what you’ll get today:

* At A Glance Outline – Act I

* At A Glance Outline – Act II

* At A Glance Outline – Act II (Part 2)

* At A Glance Outline – Act III

11 Take on The Go Audio MP3’s

With this audio set, you’ll be able to learn how to write novellas at any time. As long as you can play them, you can learn the steps and strategies in this resource whenever you want.

Here they are:

1 – How to Write a Novella

2 – Introduction

3 – Chapter 1- Why you should write a novella

4 – Chapter 2 - How to write a novella

5 – Chapter 3 – Tips for writing a good novella

6 – Chapter 4 - Sample Mindmap

7 – Chapter 5 - Sample Novella Outline

8 – Chapter 6 - Sample Novella Excerpt

9 – Chapter 7- Online Writing Workshops

10 – Chapter 8 - Guidelines for writing your Novella

11 – Chapter 9 - Summary

And if you ever get stuck, you’ll get dynamic 100% satisfaction customer support ASAP!

Let Me Ask You A Question:

If You Could Learn The Secret 

To Churning Out Novellas ,
How Much Would That Be Worth To You? 

As I said earlier, you could spend months if not years and a small fortune to not only discover a fraction of what’s put together in this course, but also trying to figure out the RIGHT SEQUENCE of information.

But I guess the better question is, “why would you want to?”

Let me explain it another way:

If you could have had the answers to every test in school before the test was given, you’d be a straight A student without question right?Well the same is true here.

With the ‘How To Write A Novella’ training course, it’s like getting all the answers for the test ahead of time and taking a shortcut to the front of the line in successful novella writing.

But it’s a good thing for you that I’m going to put this offer in reach of anyone who wants to truly succeed with writing novellas.

I know how it is to spend an arm and a leg on courses that don’t deliver and leave you hanging out to dry.

That’s why you can get the ‘How To Write A Novella’ training course Now For Just $27

Yep. You read that correctly.

And that’s not even the half of it. Just to show you that I don’t skimp on quality or giving you everything you need for success, I’m going to sweeten the deal even more…

Snatch Up These One of a Kind Bonuses When You Take Action Today At No Extra Cost.

Needless to say, this information is jam packed with the jealously guarded secrets that will help any writer or author learn “How to Write A Novella”. Truth is, you'll never find this in-depth information in any book, manual, or course online.

And especially not at this price.

But even with that said, just to sweeten the pot a bit I'm also going to hand you 2 special bonuses to reward you for taking action immediately.

Here they are:

Bonus #1: Free Copy Of Our Writer's Toolkit.

If you find yourself struggling to complete your book, tie the beginning, middle or end together or simply can't seem to find enough time to write; The "Writer's Toolkit" will show you how to "Get It Done" and more.

Just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

Bonus #2: Plotting Your Way to Success

It’s the easiest way to create compelling stories & perfect plots.

Just use this resource in your writing and you’ll find yourself zooming through your ideas and putting them pad to pen in no time.

Once again, just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

My ‘Take It To The Bank’ 100% Guarantee

Listen, if you don't agree that this is the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you've ever received on the subject of “How To Write A Novella”, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot.

No hard feelings and no questions asked. In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an entire 30 days after you get everything! That's right, 30 days to use this unique information or else ask (and receive) an immediate refund.

And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the two bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot.

Fair enough?

Now The Ball’s In Your Court.

Will You Keep Struggling or Finally Have A Novella Writing ‘Breakthrough’?

Listen, I know you’re a smart person so I don’t want to yank your chain ok?

But when you consider the only thing standing in your way of your novella writing dreams coming true is the cost of a large pizza, well…I’m sure it’s worth eating spaghetti for one night to make the sacrifice right?

And that’s all it takes and you’ll have everything you need to become a  novella factory.

So here’s what you need to next:

Go ahead and review everything on this page. And once you’re done, use the button on this page to get access.

Once you click that button, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order page where you’ll be able to order in complete peace.

Then you’ll be able to access your purchase and start using the steps included in this incredible resource to start creating top notch novellas and be the writing envy of all your author friends.

So don’t delay. Go ahead and get access now and I’ll see you on the inside.

I look forward to hearing about your success,

David Steel


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